The Terminator – T2 Gear & Supply Co.
August 1, 1999
T2 Gear & Supply Co. VM+SD, Aug 1999
Cyborg Sale
“Saraa Conna?” When Arnold uttered these words, did he have any idea what impact The Terminator would have on pop culture? Well, 15 years later, people are still into it, enough so to support an attraction at Universal Studios, Hollywood, with accompanying retail. The T2:30 attraction is based on the blockbuster Terminator sequel, Terminator 2: judgement Day. AAD (Associates in Architecture and Design), a Scottsdale, Ariz.-based architecture and design firm, created the ride-exit retail venue called T2 Gear & Supply Co . The store hopes to sell visitors on post-apocalyptic souvenirs, like leather jackets similar to the one Arnold donned in T2.” Full Article