Since its inception, Lighting Design Alliance has dedicated itself to education, and the development of lighting designers and our profession. Charles Israel has served as a founding member and past president of the International Association of Lighting Designers Education Trust. A number of our designers are also instructors at local colleges including UCLA, USC and Santa Monica College. We’re actively involved with promoting education through local, national and international lighting design organizations, volunteering as board members and speakers for the Illuminating Engineering Society, the International Association of Lighting Designers, the Designers Lighting Forum as well as international trade shows and professional organizations. Lighting Design Alliance also sponsors a paid summer internship program at our Long Beach office, inviting students from lighting programs around the country to spend a summer working in a lighting design environment. Our interns work directly with designers and clients on projects, learning conceptual and practical design skills.
LDA annual scholarship through IALD Education Trust which CI was founding president
Gold level sponsors of Knuckles Fund for Lighting Education
As a firm we do Pro-bono on needed charities who cannot afford our services. We are proudly “Gold” level sponsors of the Knuckles Fund for Lighting Education. Lighting Design Alliance also attends charity events from the Leslie Wheel Bowling event to the Pier to Pier walk, and contributes to the Orange County Food Drive every year.
Long before sustainability become a catch phrase, Lighting Design Alliance was designing with energy-efficient sources, harvesting daylight and advocating a good lighting environment in our projects. With several LEED® Accredited Professionals on staff, and experience on many LEED® projects, Lighting Design Alliance is well equipped to partner with you on your next sustainable project.
Lighting Design Alliance has a commitment to energy efficient design. Our designs consistently emphasize low maintenance, long lamp life, low lighting power density, and design sensibility. We want our designs to save the client money, but still be beautiful. Our goal is to articulate the architecture while providing a sustainable and efficient design.
In August 2008, we moved to a custom designed low carbon footprint office. With 100% daylight in working areas, photovoltaic panels and solar hot water panels, active sun tracking skylights and active daylight monitoring systems, daylight fiber-optic systems, electric lighting with full dimming and daylight harvesting capabilities and exterior solar shutters. The building is a testing laboratory to evaluate all of the latest lighting technology in a real world condition. This building has a total lighting power density of 0.1 watts/sq. ft.
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